This month, core Quai developers have been focused on resolving issues found in Devnets and creating tutorials for running a node, mining, and deploying basic smart contracts during the Iron Age Testnet.
Core Protocol
Bug Fixes
- A bug was found in the miner, which caused miners to construct invalid blocks by including expired ETXs:
- Implemented ETX rate limits to prevent the entire network from ganging up on one chain and overwhelming it with ETXs:
- Fixed an API issue with gas estimation:
- Fixed an API issue where GetBlockByHash was omitting ETXs in response:
ProgPoW has been fully implemented into the main branch of Quai Network. Additionally, the open-source ProgPoW GPU miner now functions and has been tested on both Nvidia and AMD GPUs.
The open-source ProgPoW GPU miner can be found on Github:
Pelagus Wallet
Pelagus Wallet, previously a completely in-house construction, has been refactored to function as a TaHo fork. Quai-specific features, such as UX improvements for Quai’s multi-chain environment, will be added to the codebase throughout the Iron Age Testnet.
The Pelagus Repository can be found on Github:
More information about the TaHo wallet can be found at
Members of the Dominant Strategies marketing team have been working on open-sourcing the Quai documentation to allow community members to make their own contributions and changes. Once documentation has been open-sourced, there are additional plans to expand the scope of the docs to offer additional resources on higher-level topics as well as the in-depth discussions on Quai-specific topics.
The “This Week in Quai” initiative has continued through the month of July, providing weekly Quai-related quotes, definitions, and social posts:
- July 7th, 2023:
- July 14th, 2023:
- July 21st, 2023:
- July 28th, 2023:
Additionally, a new content initiative, “Quai Fridays,” has started on Twitter. The “Quai Fridays” community calls are intended to provide a window into the testing/development being conducted by core developers, acting as an opportunity for community members to ask direct questions about the protocol. The first Quai Fridays call was hosted on July 28th, and welcomed Quai co-founders Dr. K and Alan.
- Quai Fridays #1 – July 28th, 2023:
- Quai Fridays #2 – August 4th, 2023 (Scheduled):
This July, members of the Dominant Strategies team attended EthCC in Paris to connect with the crypto industry and share the concept of Quai Network. The next conferences that Quai will be represented at are Token2049 in Singapore, and Permissionless in Austin, TX. If you’ll be at either of these conferences and want to connect with members of the Dominant Strategies team, send a message on Twitter or Discord!
Join us to build a better blockchain.
Quai Network is an open-source Proof-of-Entropy-Minima blockchain network utilizing the capabilities of merged mining to increase throughput and security. Users of Quai Network will enjoy fast transaction times without compromising decentralization and security. Miners will have competitive mining opportunities across the many blockchains within the network.
Capable of thousands of transactions per second, the Quai Network is a new solution to scalability that is soon to be ready for mainnet release.
Opinions, ideas, and statements shared in this update are delivered with numerous assumptions, risks, and uncertainties which are subject to change over time. There are multiple risk factors, including those related to blockchain, cryptographic systems, and technologies generally, as well Quai’s business, operations and results of operations, that could cause actual results or developments anticipated not to be realized or, even if substantially realized, to fail to achieve any or all of the benefits that could be expected therefrom. We reserve the right to unilaterally, completely, or partially change plans, expectations, and intentions stated herein at any time and for any reason, in our sole and absolute discretion, and we undertake no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise. ACCORDINGLY, WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO NOT RELY ON, AND DO NOT MAKE ANY FINANCIAL DECISION OR INVESTMENT BASED ON, THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS UPDATE OR ANY OF OUR UPDATES/ARTICLES — INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SELLING OR TRADING OF QUAI TOKENS, ETHER, OR ANY OTHER CRYPTOGRAPHIC OR BLOCKCHAIN TOKEN, OR THE SECURITIES OF ANY COMPANY.
The views, opinions, and statements made in this update are those of an individual author and not those of any institution, University, or legal entity operating within the jurisdiction of The United States or beyond. There is no association between these views, opinions, and statements and any for-profit or non-profit entity, particularly with Universities, Foundations, and other Agencies located within the United States. Any perception of such an association is purely accidental, and will be rectified immediately if brought to our attention by the reader.